Food Accessibility in Chinatown/Lower East Side
Chinatown/Lower East Side is a lower-income neighborhood.
"For every one supermarket in the Lower East Side and Chinatown, there are 18 bodegas. “
“Bodegas are less likely to have healthy food options than supermarkets."
But who decided supermarkets are the only way to access healthy food?
(Lower East Side and Chinatown)
“ Supporting others is a good thing, but it has often been accompanied by efforts to reform the ways of vagrants, immigrants, and others who appear not to share white middle-class so-called American Values”
- Julie Guthman
Works Cited:
Guthman, J. (2024). The Problem with Solutions: Why Silicon Valley Can't Hack the Future of Food. University of California Press.
Lower East Side and Chinatown. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2024, from